Friday, July 30, 2021
We have reached the end (and i am really sad)
Thursday, July 29, 2021
From the heart of Zachariah
Hello from Zach tonight!
For morning ministry, our group went on a prayer walk around the neighborhood that Detroit Love is based in.
It was pretty toasty, so there weren't many people about, so we prayed for those we couldn't see.
There was one man we met who was walking home from the hospital. He was unable to stop to pray, so we prayed as we walked.
After the walk we had lunch, and prepped snacks for Big A, laughing and chatting the whole time!
Then we started Big A! It. Was. A. Blast! When they first arrived we colored and played football!
Then we sat down and our story was about the crucitfition and how much God loves us, that he send his only son to die for our sins.
After that we had our discussion groups, and then Big Jimbo led us in playing dodgeball. Then we made salvation bracelets for craft. To end the day our songs were led by Kevin, and let me tell you!
We Shooby Doo'd like nobody’s business! It's hard to believe we only have one more day with them.
Finally, we had a bunch of guests over for dinner, they evening praise and worship!
This is Zach, signing off for tonight.❤️
Wednesday, July 28, 2021
From the Heart of Ashley
Sup Guys,
Today I struggled to see where God was working if i'm being honest. I knew that He was walking along side me today but I didn't fully understand where He was going to revel Himself.
If you don't know two of my favorite things are planned for the same time every night. That would be worship and stories of the day. During stories of the day everyone is given an opportunity to share where they saw God working today. I know that I always want to share something big and extravagant with the group not to brag but because I have been taught that God only shows Himself in the big moments. After tonight that view has been forever changed by a wonderful lady named Jessica.
This morning my team and I were tasked with servant evangelism. We prayed and asked God to show us where He wanted to use us. As we went on praying we came to the conclusion to help a shelter. My team came across this domestic violence shelter on the list of places and it immediately caught my attention. This is where Jessica comes into play.
Jessica, and her family, help run a domestic violence shelter in Detroit. God lead her to me and she, along with her family, came for my favorite part of the day, worship and stories of the day. Looking back on it while writing this I am truly seeing how it is such a big God moment. After sitting in the circle and sharing our God moments of the day I was able to have an amazing conversation with Jessica. This is where she showed me that God can be big in the little moments.
The conversation started out with more of the casual ice breakers such as asking about her mission and vision for the shelter. People slowly started to leave not out of disinterest with what Jessica was saying but because God knew that I needed to have this heart to heart with her. The conversation grew into something greater and I felt this strong presence of The Holy Spirit flowing through her. I knew after just a few words talking one on one with Jessica that this was my God moment of the day.
Within that short conversation I was able to see the power that The Holy Spirit has. Jessica was the blessing that I had been asking God for. Let me tell you, it was crazy to see my prayer being answered right in front of me. The sheer strength that her words held because of her faith was completely reliant on Gods grace alone. The end piece that tied all of the amazing things together was prayer. I asked her to end our conversation in prayer and she gladly accepted. The words that were said were so powerful and that is only by the means of The Holy Spirit.
In the end I was able to take so much away from our conversation. I know now that I want to love people the way that Jessica showed me love. I know that she is an incredible example of the love that God talks about in 1 John. I am inspired by The Holy Spirit, shown to me through Jessica, to do so much more for this community and for my own. I truly think that she was an angel sent from God and I thrive to have people feel The Holy Spirit the way I did tonight.
Thank you for all of the prayers! Please continue to pray for the unity of our team and whatever else God lays on your heart!
~Ashley Wallin
Tuesday, July 27, 2021
Tuesday from the heart of Caleb
Hello everybody,
Amanda says that this needs to be longer than two sentences so I will do my best. Today was a crazy and productive day that I don't think that I will ever forget.
Today started very productive with Kevin coaching us through todays devos. Being together studying scripture was a great way to start out our day.
God made it clear to me today that I needed to admire Detroit's beauty while on our group prayer walk around the neighborhood. To my surprise I saw a male pheasant run across the road in the middle of Poletown. I never expected to see one in Detroit but I took that as a sign from God that I should take in more of the city's unexpected beauties.
On this prayer walk we were admiring an abandoned school, and while trying to get a closer look at the schools playground we encountered a bird that at first glance appeared to be injured, but upon further inspection he just was refusing to fly. I befriended the bird and after a brief period of bonding we named the bird Frankie and he accompanied us on our journey. After a few blocks Frankie surprised us all when he flew out of my hand and we said our goodbyes and continued our journeys separately.
After the prayer walk we regrouped and prepared for Big A.
Big A was a hit today for the preschool squad. Kids were having fun from beginning to end and maybe having a bit too much fun during story time. Overall we had a blast at Big A today and hopefully we can keep this momentum rolling for the days to come.
After Big A we were all exhausted and enjoyed a nice meal together before we were all viciously and brutally attacked by bats.
This has been Caleb, it's been real. ✌️
Sunday, July 25, 2021
Day 2: The sun is bright and Detroit is not
Sleeping at the top of a triple bunk bed is cool and everything; however, I wish I had paid more attention to the window right next to my face. As you might imagine, the sun woke me up at 5 am this morning. Fortunately, I fell back asleep.
Later in the morning we attended a church service inside of a beautiful cathedral. The pastor discussed the importance of knowing our purpose, as well as the danger of putting our purpose in worldly things. After the service we spent some time admiring the details of the building - painted ceilings, elaborately tiled floors, fancy furniture - and then we headed back to Detroit Love's building. Something that stood out to our missions team about the church we attended: contrary to our own church, the majority of the congregation were young people.
Detroit is smaller than I thought it would be. I'm not sure what I was expecting - clusters of sky scrapers, perhaps? Maybe hundreds of people crowding the streets, and stores extending off the main street everywhere you look? If that's what you've been picturing, you should know that it's not like that at all. Today our team took a walk through Downtown Detroit for about 2.5 hours. One thing we walked past was the baseball stadium, which had huge statues of tigers in front of it. We also walked down the main street with all the fancy shops. Down that street we went to the river, where you could look south into Canada, or to the huge General Motors building on the left. All of that was cool, but compared to other major cities with large populations, there was very little people on the sidewalks, in the parks, and driving on the highway. Furthermore, there is only one tourist street. That street was cool, but if you were to look down the streets coming off of it, the modern, fancy look of the tourist street almost immediately collapses, revealing an all-too-familiar narrative of Detroit's history that may be hard to believe.
I'm struggling to believe how our team has only been away for three days. We're always doing so many things, whether it be worship together, cleaning up a meal, or playing a makeshift game of wiffle ball before bed. The days are long, but every moment has value and is cherished as we grow closer as a team, to the community, and with God.
I've been having an amazing time serving here, though I hope things are all good at home. Please continue to be praying for unity and health within our team!
Saturday, July 24, 2021
Day 1 in Detroit 2021
Saturday, July 24, 2021
Greetings from the Motor City!
This morning began at our motel in Elgin, Ill. We met at 5:50 in the lobby then off to Panera for bagels and coffee. With that, we were back on the road for our last five hour of driving. As I drive, I keep praying to God to use this amazing team of believers to do His will, as I know He will, but also, to open those hearts of the folks of Detroit that we will be meeting. About three hours into our drive we stopped at this amazing fruit stand, that former teams have stopped at. We all bought some yummy fruits, veggies, and jams to eat now, and share with friends and family later. Thankfully our drive to Detroit was an uneventful one, and I pray our return trip will be the same. Around 12:30 p.m. we pulled up to Detroit Love and were warmly welcomed by Kevin, Josie and Jacob, we unloaded the vehicles and got the tour of the building, had some free time where the guys brushed up on our wiffleball skills as the ladies settled in and rested. Kevin and his team then gave us a tour of the areas of Detroit where we will do our prayer walks and where our kids are coming from for our VBS (Big A!) we are running. We returned to the building and were joined by Diamond and Kenny (friends of Detroit Love and past teams) for a wonderful dinner from Kevin's wife, Lori. We when had worship time and Kevin asked each of us; what is the one thing you wish God would do this week? I want those "Ah-Ha" moments when people "get it" that God loves them and want to be a part of their lives.
As I write this, some of our team is prepping for VBS and others are playing 'Mafia" (a lot of laughter) I think we are all very tired from the traveling, and will probably turn in early. Tomorrow, we will be off to church and doing some more prep work.
Please continue to pray for all of us for good health, and following the Holy Spirit as we do His will.
Thanks, hugs to you all, and God Bless!
Friday, July 23, 2021
2021 Detroit Mission Trip!
After an intense license plate game, we have officially arrived in Elgin, Illinois. We have finished up sharing faith stories and just came back from filling our bellies with sushi, which was delivered on a conveyor belt. Ask your students which roll was their favorite. We are excited to get on the road tomorrow and arrive in Detroit. Thank you for your prayers.
Amanda Quisberg