Hi Everybody!
This has been an awesome and growing week. Today we prayer walked Hart Plaza, which was a new experience for me during which I was able to see new parts of downtown Detroit that I haven’t seen before. It’s amazing to compare the different sections of the city, like downtown versus the projects. As we talked about, Detroit architecture has the habit of being created in a way that allows you to experience only the nice, clean part of Detroit you want to see while veiling the truly broken pieces of the city. It does inspire hope, though, when I am able to compare how the city has changed in the past three years. As I said before, it’s been so amazing to see God work in this city.
My truly favorite part of the trip, as always, is Big A with the kids. Being here two weeks is both wonderful and heartbreaking, as you are able to spend more time with the kids to grow stronger relationships, but it makes it so much harder to leave them. Last week I started to spend time with a sweet girl named Aaleigh and it’s been so fulfilling to just pour into her and see her drink it in. Today as I was spending my last few minutes with Aaleigh, one of the Florida leaders let me know that she became a Christian during Big A today. It made my heart so full of joy to know that even if I am never able to see her in Detroit again, I will be able to see her again in heaven. As I was giving Aaleigh her last hug, I told her how happy I was that she accepted Jesus and she whispered in my ear that she was safe. I truly saw God in that moment as it felt like He was telling me she would be okay.
God has been working with the 15 and up kids as they have surprised me, wanting to know more about God once they drop some of their guard. Our group has been able to build more of a relationship with one girl in 15 and up group. Seeing her grow from not really wanting to participate on the first day this week to her answering questions and asking questions has been amazing. It reminds me to never put limits on God and always expect God to move in big ways.
Well, that’s all for tonight, but please pray for us with our last day of ministry tomorrow! Hope you’re all doing well! God Bless! :)
Summer H