Sorry this blog is late. Last night got to be a late night so I decided to hold off on typing this until today. Yesterday was the first day of Big A (VBS) for week 2. As we have been preparing, I can feel our team getting even closer than last week, which is quite a feat. With getting closer though, I’ve started to notice some cracks in our team. Some are tired, some are dealing with other things, and some are just having a tough time adjusting to the new (LARGE) team that has now joined us from another church. It can be tough finding a new time to take a shower, take a nap, or find a place to relax when we all had our routine last week. I feel we could all use prayer for rest, patience, and strength to push to the end of the week. That said, we are meeting new friends, having great conversations, and experiencing different things than we did last week. It is pushing us to grow in different ways.
Big A looks a bit different for us this week; all 5 of us are with the 15+ group. We are going through the book of James with them and each of us has taken a different chapter to prepare a lesson for. Today, Summer Mills taught us about being steadfast. We started with a marshmallow throwing game that helped us learn more about the students and showed us how to push through when things got frustrating. We then transitioned inside where we had to introduce each other based on what we learned during the game. We played Jenga, which showed how when different pieces are missing from our lives, our Christian walk can get shaky and our life can fall apart. This was followed by us reading James 1 and asking discussion questions. Each day we will be covering a different chapter/theme.
Our little group of five is a team this week for chores, dinner prep, prayer walking, and servant evangelism. For servant evangelism yesterday morning we went shopping at Target for a girl named Michelle. Some of our group met Michelle last week while prayer walking. Amanda had it on her heart that she was to help her, so we have been investing in her throughout the week. We have helped her find a women’s shelter, she attended church with us Sunday, and Monday we made the Target run was for basic toiletries as she had literally nothing when she first got to the shelter. It has been awesome to see how God has allowed us to stay here for a second week and to continue to invest in Michelle; something we wouldn’t have been able to do if we would have left with the rest of the group.
We miss you all back home and thank you for supporting us on this trip!