Our memories are funny things. Somethings are easy to remember because they have been seared into our brains through intense experience. Other things are easy to remember because we take our minds too them regularly to ruminate on them and mentally grip them like a young child grips their favorite stuffed animal afraid that if they loosen their grip they will lose it. Names and faces of most people we encounter are like twigs on a summer campfire. They make an immediate impact on us with delight and intensity but quickly have been replaced by other names and faces not to be brought back around.
That is not the case here at Detroit Love and in the housing projects like the Diggs, McDonald’s Square or the Brewsters or the Cass Coridor. That is not the case with people in the neighbor that surrounds this century old building built by Polish immigrants. Names represent people who carry the image of God in their faces. These faces represent stories, stories we will never be able to fully comprehend because of our context. Likewise our faces represent stories and experiences that many people in Detroit cannot wrap their minds around. We have walked these streets and had our hearts burst open as we have heard the stories of people that our Heavenly Father loves unconditionally.
Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting DJ and Tone (Antonio) who have grown up in the Brewsters housing projects where they were picked up at a young age in old vans to go to this thing called Big A (VBS). They recounted stories of years gone by and the people who shared the love of Jesus Christ with them through stories, snacks, smiles and games. These teenage boys who have had to grow up faster than anyone should have to telling us about their friends they have lost and the friends they have lost touch with. Smiling from ear to ear talking about the songs they sang all those years ago with groups of people who carved out time and money to come be with them.
Picture this: our group has been invited to join in for a Hip Hop Bible study at a project near by. Being the excited and willing collection of people we are there was no hesitation to participate. As we park our vehicles and walk up to the park we meet the organizers of the gathering, one from the church, one from the neighborhood, along with three young girls who appear to be nine or ten years old. After introducing ourselves to the girls Amanda boldly asks, “Do you girls know a DJ who used to live here?” The one girl proudly retorts back, “DJ, that’s my brother!” Amanda asks the girl to go see if he would come out and talk to us. She willingly scampers down the sidewalk towards her townhouse. Less than a minute later we look down the sidewalk to see two young men strutting back towards us, one clad in a white t-shirt and white shorts adorned with a smile as wide as the Grand Canyon and a sparkle in his eye would make the north star blush. Amanda approaches with joy on her face and her phone in her hand exuberant to show them a picture from the last time they had been together, more than four years ago. Incredible!!! DJ as a young boy had spent his summers going to Big A, meeting team after team that shared Jesus love with him. He was immediately asking about Adam who was his leader five years ago. FIVE YEARS AGO! I have astonished at the power of the Holy Spirit to knit people together in a way that even after five years a young man living in Detroit thinks of a middle aged man living in rural MN and remembers his love, kindness, and compassion. Tone shared about having his picture in his basement tucked in a safe spot from all those years ago so that he can remember.
God has shown me throughout our time here that our team is a spoke in a much larger wheel. The 2022 Detroit Team has not entered into a spot for a short trip that exists in it’s own orbit. We have joined something that God has been doing here in Detroit as a piece of the puzzle. Detroit Love has shown us the value and importance of fostering long lasting relationships by intentionally pouring year after year into the lives of people who God loves deeply and unconditionally. I have been amazed how the Lord has invited us in to see what he is doing in the lives of some of the residents of Detroit, those housed and those unhoused. How he has shown us the importance of long-term investments in relationships. How he has shown us the priority of listening to the Spirit and joining God where he is at. How he has shown us that the Kingdom of God is a kaleidoscope of vivid colors.
The stories abound for us and we are excited to share them with you all when we arrive home so please ask!
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