Friday, August 7, 2015

From the heart of Allison

After being in Detroit for just about a week, I didn’t even come close to imagining all the things I’ve seen, and how eye opening each and every day has been for me. With all of the poverty, mental illness, and drug abuse going on in the city I’ve witnessed, there was never a time that I wasn’t feeling slightly sad about how fortunate my life is compared to the lives here, and how in reality I should only be thankful for all of the beautiful things I have going for me.
            For the past week my team and I have been staying and working with Detroit Love, a church group from Florida. We’ve been prayer walker, doing some evangelism work by helping people out, and prepping for the VBS we’ve been doing every day this week. Though it was pretty stressful and tiring at times, I’ve had more fun in these past eight days than I have in a long time.
            Though Friday was our last real day staying in Detroit, I felt it was actually one of the calmer days with not a lot going on. I picked a few green beans for a local garden, made a few more little friends at the Vacation Bible School the Timberwood team was helping lead, and grew even closer to a majority of the Detroit Love interns.

            Overall, I’ve met some pretty incredible people that I wasn’t aware even existed, and I’m so glad God managed to drag me here.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Detroit from the perspective of Will Just

Hi, Will here from another day at Detroit.

 Today was great. We ate breakfast then sprung into our devotions. Whoever wrote them (Kevin) had the great idea to include an explanation of what circumcision is, woo. (If you're curious, check out Philippians 3:1-33) Then my group went prayer walking in which we met this man then we prayed for people to stop stealing his things. Then, I thought was one of the more cool things, right before we got into the car we were praying and this man who was a believer, walked up and asked to pray with us.  Then we went to The Big A (VBS) tonight, it was the night where we talked about how Jesus died for our sins. It was amazing all of my kids were already believers or so they told me, but out of all the kids at Big A (around 80), we had 31 kids accept Jesus into their hearts. From what Kevin said, that is by far the most kids he has ever seen make decisions to follow Christ in one week of VBS ever (which I thought was amazing). I have often thought of the lyrics from the song “Build your Kingdom Here”, “heal our streets and land,” which I have came to live by in the past couple days. So, our time here is coming to a close, which makes me both sad and happy.  But alas it is upon us and I will hope to continue to forward the kingdom at home.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

From the heart of Sami

Hello everyone,
This is Sami; I have been tasked with writing the blog today.
I want to start off by thanking those who have been praying for us, it is your prayers that keep us going!
So, I think I should tell you about an experience that has substantially changed my life. It happened to me yesterday (Tuesday, August 4, 2015) when my assigned group went on Service Evangelism to a community garden. I was prepped for hard work physically but I had no idea that God planned to work my spiritually as well. When we got there, I volunteered to plant some lettuce plants and after planting them I had to water them. The water pump I was told to go to wasn’t working and I had no idea where else to get water. I saw this woman pulling at some plants and at first I was hesitant to disturb her, but I when I did I knew I made the right choice. Her name way Kayla and she was very friendly. She showed me where the water was and asked me questions about the group and our trip. Later, I finished my job and then I went to join her in her work. As we worked harvesting these collards I talked with her and she opened up to me about her family, her life, and her faith. She told me she was in a sort of faded phase of her life and was just listening for God. I shared with her my faith story and parts of the gospel. Before we had to leave, I had the urge to pray for her. As I prayed for all of her she began to tear up and I too cried for her. It was so amazing to think of all the things God put into work to allow me to talk with this woman.
My time at Big A (our vacation Bible school) has been a blast. It is amazing how quick these students are to trust us and to love us. And vice-versa. Today one of the girls in my small group was missing and I felt so sad about it. I mean, I had only known this girl for two days, yet I felt so sad and longed for her. Her cousin, however, informed me that she would be showing up later and when she did she was so eager to ask about what she missed and asked me questions about God.
One of my duties at Big A is show the kids the dances and songs that we brought with us. On the first night, it was a disaster. None of the kids wanted to listen and they were just running rampant all around. But for the past two days they have become so excited to do the dances! They have even requested to sing it afterwards! Tomorrow we are showing them a new song and I pray that they will be just as eager to learn this one! It is amazing to see all these kids so excited to worship because it is my favorite way to praise the Lord and I hope I can show these children how fun it is to do so.
Everyone on the team is so strong and encouraging. We keep each other accountable and there is very minimal conflict. When two of our teammates grew ill, we prayed over them and the Lord has quickly, without hesitation, given them strength and health. It is amazing to see all the work God is doing here.
Continue to pray for us and keep us in your hearts. We are doing such amazing work and learning so much! God Bless you all!

With Love,


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Day 2 of BIG A (VBS) from Katie Northenscold

Here We Go Again

            Today was another day full of excitement and joy. The day started out like any other day here in Detroit; early breakfast and no sleep from the night, but we were awakened by the smell of chocolate chip pancakes made by the angel of a woman, Lori Dean. If you want good food, and I mean GOOD food, be nice to Lori and she will provide. A glorious breakfast in our stomachs and it was time for devotionals. This week we have been studying the book of Philippians, digging deeper into God’s word and learning more and more every single day. I want to thank Kevin for being who he is. The way that the Lord has given him the insight and understanding of His word is amazing, and the fact that he can then relay that to us and help us understand it in a way that I never thought I could is absolutely mind blowing. The Lord will reveal different things to each person at a different pace. Some people have the gift of understanding the Bible the first or second time reading over it and others are blessed with other gifts. Personally, I was blessed with people around me who understand the first time and know how to explain it to me so perfectly that it just clicks, and Kevin Dean is one of those people. Normally, I have to re-read something about three maybe four times before I understand a portion of it, I feel like what we are going over is so incredibly intentional from the Lord that the Spirit has been invading my heart in ways I didn’t think possible.
            I wish I were more like Jesus. I wish that I was so spiritually mature that I was humble and that I had humility and selflessness. I wish that I could be like Paul and look at persecution and be proud of it, be happy that someone (extreme example) threw me in jail for loving Jesus because then that would be an opportunity to talk about Him to people in that cell with me. I want to have the Fruits of the Spirit pouring out of me, and not just the easy stuff, I want all of it; love, joy, peace, patients, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control. Paul talks about in his letter to the church of Philippi that he wants them to be in one mind, and one purpose. I found this quite intriguing; could you imagine a body of Christ that has one mind and one purpose? Everyone has the same end goal; everyone is doing what he or she is doing because they believe in the same thing. I think satan wouldn’t be able to sneak into anyone’s life if we all lived for Christ and had the same end goal; to be with Him in Heaven and to proclaim His glorious name. Our strength would grow tremendously due to strength in numbers.
            Picture this: the body of Timberwood is standing in the middle of the church parking lot, we invite other people, other strong believers of Christ; we now have thousands and thousands of followers standing in the parking lot. I know, it might get a little crowded, but hang with me for a second. All of a sudden satan shows up with his demons and they are surrounding us now, laughing, screaming, whispering lies into all of our ears waiting for one of us to fall down because when satan gets one, he then can get two, then three… It’s a constant battle, a battle that is being fought day in and day out… But… God sends His angels to watch over us and help us, His Spirit is there to guide us and remind us that we have the same end goal, that we are all looking at that finish line wanting to shout praises to our Lord and Savior… those demons have no chance. Satan has no chance. We all link arms, standing firm and not one lie can get through and claim us, not one. That, my friends, would be the most amazing thing I think I would ever see; a body of Christ having one mind and one purpose.
            In evangelism today, Adam, Noah, Sami, Matt, Cortland and myself went to the gardens to help pick weeds and produce. Sami had a big God moment, but I will let her tell you about that when we all get back home. Other people went to the hospital and delivered cards and flowers to sick children while others prayer walked in Detroit. Everyone, no matter what they did, have great stories to tell that are all quite moving, make sure to ask them about it when home approaches.
            Today was the second day of Big A. It went a lot better today then it did yesterday and the main reason for that was because we had planned everything out to a “t” and had become familiar with how things should be run due to the slight culture change. Yesterday was a shock; today we did it like it was our day job. The story for today was about Joseph -- played by Will -- and his brothers, who was played by Kon and Noah. Noah actually tackled Will to the ground to demonstrate that Joseph got beat up and when He ripped his colorful coat off and threw it on the ground, a little boy gladly exclaimed, “Hey! That’s a clean shirt, get it off the ground;” memories that will last forever. It was amazing seeing the children’s faces filled with absolute joy and wonderment. From music to controlled chaos, to games and crafts to small group and the story – every child was involved and not only that but they wanted to be involved. They wanted to be silly and they wanted a hug every five minutes because they wanted that love, and all of us were glad to give that to them. When I saw a smile, I smiled. When I saw someone laughing, I laughed. Good thing no one cried…
            I want to thank God for every person on this team. For Amanda and her openness with people she doesn’t even know. For Tori and her infectious laugh. For Sami and her patience. For Allison and her honesty. For Megan and her enthusiasm and constant joy. For Elizabeth and her goofy side. For Katie Watlund and her willingness to do whatever, whenever. For Ben and his ability to make anyone laugh at any time even when you don’t want to. For Carl and his persistence. For Kaitlyn and her selflessness. For Noah and seeing him grow spiritually. For Matt and his intentionality with every little thing. For Lori and her humbleness. For Will and his ability to dig deeper with devotionals. For CJ and his connections with the kids through sports. For Kon and his love for worship. For Kenna and her trust and faith. For Justin and his Christ set mind. For Abby and her humility. For Adam and his amazing heart. For John and his thirsting for Christ. For Kevin and his love for this city and these beautiful children. Everyone is here for a reason, and I couldn’t ask God for better people to do His work in Detroit with. I also pray for God’s healing hand. People get sick, it’s what happens, but I pray that God will hold the sickness and pain His hands and just take it all away, that those of us who aren’t feeling the greatest would look to God for a shoulder to lean on but that they also know that our shoulders are right here for them to. This team is precious to me, and I love them all dearly, so please, pray for everyone. Pray for healing and comfort and that we can finish this week stronger than when we arrived.


Monday, August 3, 2015

from the heart of Adam

Our first day of prayer walking, servant evangelism, and VBS has come to an end.  All of the anxiety, nervousness, and anticipation (okay, those all mean the same thing) have completely melted away with our group.  The Timberwood Youth are impressing me to no end.  From an adult and parent’s perspective, the Timberwood family and parent’s of these kids should be so proud of what our kids are stepping up to do.  Being thrown into an environment that is absolutely outrageous by our standards, and totally stepping up and leaning into it has been awesome to see. 
            A few of the youth and I wrote thank you cards and letters to local firemen.  We went shopping together for treats, then we brought it all over to Detroit Station 23.  There, we were met by four firemen who brought us in to their “home” with open arms.  They were absolutely and completely impressed and appreciative immediately when we told them what we were doing and why.  They were about to go service fire hydrants when we arrived, because in Detroit, the fire department doubles as the public works department as well.  If they want their fire hydrants to have water, they have to fix them themselves.  Many fire hydrants in Detroit don’t have water pressure to them, so fire fighters show up and literally have to stand and watch buildings burn to the ground.  They can protect the adjacent buildings minimally with the water they carry on their trucks.  As we spent time with them, they were excited to tell their story to us.  They didn’t “bash” the city they work for, but simply explained that they keep doing what they do for the community that supports them, but more importantly for the brotherhood and family that exists amongst their ranks.  Their pensions they were promised when they started are being taken away before they are able to draw on them, they have to supply their “city owned” fire department with everything it needs to function out of their own pockets.  It is truly incredible how powerful of a bond these guys have that keeps them coming back to work every day.  Perhaps the most amazing thing is the positive attitudes they all have.  These guys insisted they take us for a ride on their fire truck.  So we climb aboard and they fire up the lights and sirens running code for quite a few blocks.  The kids got quite a kick out of running read lights and watching cars pull over for them.  Just because it was old hat for me, doesn’t mean I wasn’t all smiles too…
            VBS went off without a hitch!!  Okay, so there were some hiccups and challenges that we could critique.  But the fact that the kids pressed through and came away with smiles and looking forward to tomorrow was pretty cool.  Ben, Amanda, and I are official Detroit kid movers!  We are pros at navigating the streets from the church to the projects where we pick up kids.

I will let the kids tell you more tomorrow about VBS….