Wednesday, August 5, 2015

From the heart of Sami

Hello everyone,
This is Sami; I have been tasked with writing the blog today.
I want to start off by thanking those who have been praying for us, it is your prayers that keep us going!
So, I think I should tell you about an experience that has substantially changed my life. It happened to me yesterday (Tuesday, August 4, 2015) when my assigned group went on Service Evangelism to a community garden. I was prepped for hard work physically but I had no idea that God planned to work my spiritually as well. When we got there, I volunteered to plant some lettuce plants and after planting them I had to water them. The water pump I was told to go to wasn’t working and I had no idea where else to get water. I saw this woman pulling at some plants and at first I was hesitant to disturb her, but I when I did I knew I made the right choice. Her name way Kayla and she was very friendly. She showed me where the water was and asked me questions about the group and our trip. Later, I finished my job and then I went to join her in her work. As we worked harvesting these collards I talked with her and she opened up to me about her family, her life, and her faith. She told me she was in a sort of faded phase of her life and was just listening for God. I shared with her my faith story and parts of the gospel. Before we had to leave, I had the urge to pray for her. As I prayed for all of her she began to tear up and I too cried for her. It was so amazing to think of all the things God put into work to allow me to talk with this woman.
My time at Big A (our vacation Bible school) has been a blast. It is amazing how quick these students are to trust us and to love us. And vice-versa. Today one of the girls in my small group was missing and I felt so sad about it. I mean, I had only known this girl for two days, yet I felt so sad and longed for her. Her cousin, however, informed me that she would be showing up later and when she did she was so eager to ask about what she missed and asked me questions about God.
One of my duties at Big A is show the kids the dances and songs that we brought with us. On the first night, it was a disaster. None of the kids wanted to listen and they were just running rampant all around. But for the past two days they have become so excited to do the dances! They have even requested to sing it afterwards! Tomorrow we are showing them a new song and I pray that they will be just as eager to learn this one! It is amazing to see all these kids so excited to worship because it is my favorite way to praise the Lord and I hope I can show these children how fun it is to do so.
Everyone on the team is so strong and encouraging. We keep each other accountable and there is very minimal conflict. When two of our teammates grew ill, we prayed over them and the Lord has quickly, without hesitation, given them strength and health. It is amazing to see all the work God is doing here.
Continue to pray for us and keep us in your hearts. We are doing such amazing work and learning so much! God Bless you all!

With Love,


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