Thursday, August 6, 2015

Detroit from the perspective of Will Just

Hi, Will here from another day at Detroit.

 Today was great. We ate breakfast then sprung into our devotions. Whoever wrote them (Kevin) had the great idea to include an explanation of what circumcision is, woo. (If you're curious, check out Philippians 3:1-33) Then my group went prayer walking in which we met this man then we prayed for people to stop stealing his things. Then, I thought was one of the more cool things, right before we got into the car we were praying and this man who was a believer, walked up and asked to pray with us.  Then we went to The Big A (VBS) tonight, it was the night where we talked about how Jesus died for our sins. It was amazing all of my kids were already believers or so they told me, but out of all the kids at Big A (around 80), we had 31 kids accept Jesus into their hearts. From what Kevin said, that is by far the most kids he has ever seen make decisions to follow Christ in one week of VBS ever (which I thought was amazing). I have often thought of the lyrics from the song “Build your Kingdom Here”, “heal our streets and land,” which I have came to live by in the past couple days. So, our time here is coming to a close, which makes me both sad and happy.  But alas it is upon us and I will hope to continue to forward the kingdom at home.

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