Friday, June 23, 2023

Our Last Day :(

Today was so much fun. I cant help but smile as I’m writing this. God answered so many prayers. I can see how God responded to my biggest prayers in the perfect ways. First I'm going to start with some background information so you can tag along in this journey with me. On Wednesday my team and I were on for servant evangelism (it's where we give time for the holy spirt to move in and around us). We started off just praying for signs and feelings of the Holy Spirit urging us in any direction where God needed us. We then started to drive around and God put on my heart that we needed to go to the Brewsters (one of the project) and do something for or with the kids who lived within. So where did we go the, we went to the Brewsters. We drove in and there was no one. no one walking around, no one sitting on there porch, there was no one.  So the we left and had to go pick up a prayer walking group in Cass Park. On our way to Cass Park we saw boys from the Bewsters selling water at a stop light. We picked up the team from Cass Park and we head right for those boys selling water. We pull up and Amanda asked if any of them had ever been to Big A (the VBS we do here in Detroit). However, the light was green and we had to continue on so Amanda, being Amanda, yelled "WE'LL COME BACK FOR YOU". We whipped a U-turn and waited for the light to turn yellow (or red) and right as we got to the light God answered a prayer. The light turned yellow and the entire car went crazy! This provided a connection with the kids selling water (from the Brewsters) and rekindled those past relationships. The next day my team went back to the Brewsters and saw two kids walking. The ironic part was they were waving for us to come near, not the other way around. It turned out to be two kids (who weren't selling waters) that I had a previous relationship with. The interactions from that moment were overwhelmingly positive and filled my heart with an overflowing love. We invited them to Big A and they actually came. That was the best birthday present ever, since Thursday was my birthday. God was moving in those moments yesterday and today, I could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in everything connecting the dots of each event. Now tonight, we got a different experience.  Not only was today the hardest day yet, but it was the most fun. After Big A we came home to Mrs. Lori and her "Boujee-quare" restaurant, which was essentially a fancy pizzeria in the kitchen. We had our own personal chef (the wonderful Mrs. Lori) serve us table-side and I would leave 5 star review on yelp. Then we were off to the baseball game, which conveniently was the Twins against the Tigers and the Twins won! The joy in these moments was evidence of Gods presence. It was so breath taking to see how the once in a life time opportunity brought out the best in every single one of them. And  a little cherry on top was to spend time with Kenny and Diamond (people from Detroit). To finally rap this up, skipping down the street with Kenny and others on the team was the most perfect way to end they trip:)

From the girl who ran into the pole,   Natalie 

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