Wednesday, June 19, 2024

bens blog


            This morning started off great with me waking up my friend with one minute before he had to prep for breakfast. The breakfast today was amazing and we had lots of funny conversations while eating and after. Once breakfast was done we had devotions witch is probably one of my favorite times of the day because we just got to talk and listen to what God has to say to us and learn more and more. After we had talks about all our devotions my group of three got to go prayer walking. which is super cool and unique to see what God wants us to pray about and what He want us to see. We met lots of really cool people and especially Marco. Marco is 54 years old and he lives in an all mens shelter right now. When we walked past the first time he wasn’t there but right when we started to walk by he came out and said, he just had a feeling to come out to get some fresh air he said it was just lucky but we think it was God telling him to which was pretty cool because he is a friend of Detroit love ( the place we are staying ) for a while and he loves when we come by and pray for him. so we prayed for him and a friend who was close by. It is also Macros birthday next Tuesday so we sang to him early which was pretty cool. When we all came back after spending time with our groups and God we all helped to get lunch together. And once again it was magnificent. After lunch we split back into our groups and I got the privilege to clean the boys bathroom, lucky me. Once all of us got our chores done we all kinda did an assembly line to package out snacks for big A. One of my favorite parts of the day was right when I walked through the doors I was greeted with one of the cutest little hug by one of the kids I had the day prior, and her name was Amaya. Today for big A I only had 2 kids to little boys named xzavior and Ace. They were 2 little boys who was really excited to learn about the gospel. Theses little boys were so into the discussion they had to walk around and talk because God was so powerful to them, and to see God moving within them was so cool. Also seeing them so engaged. After big A we came back to a magnificent smell of pasta and garlic toast. P.S it was so good. Then after dinner we had a little bit of free time that most of us spent that time playing volleyball. After getting all sweaty playing volleyball we had story time. Where we share times where we saw God in our day. After stories we got spoiled when fresh brownies and cookies came out for us to enjoy. And I will probably end up playing basketball or volleyball until my shirt is a totally different color because of sweat.

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