Saturday, June 15, 2024

We've Arrived!!

   Greetings Everyone!

     Today we got up bright and early at 5:30 in the morning to get ready for our travel to Detroit. After a quick pitstop getting some Starbucks and Panera we were off towards out destination. The trip there was filled with plenty of music and laughter, and quite a few different games were played. A question popped up in one of the games that was being played and it asked who's most likely to be revealed as an alien. However, we decided to change it up to who, on the trip, would be most likely to be revealed as an alien. The consensus between the two cars came rather quickly, and the award for: Most Likely to be an Alien goes to... Riley! Since that result, Riley has picked up a new nickname. Alien. 

    On the way to Detroit we made 2 pitstops. One at fruit acres, which might have some of the best farm fresh fruit I've ever had, and the other at Target, where Mr. Alien had to purchase a belt because he forgot his back on Mars. After we left Target, it was straight on to Detroit Love, where we'll be staying for the next week. 

    When we arrived, we had a tasty sandwich lunch prepared by the wonderful Mrs. Lori, and then got into more of the business side of things with going over rules, a tour of the building, and unpacking of our belongings. After this, we had quite a bit of free time, and during this free time, people did a variety of things like playing some card games, or just sitting down and talking at the table, but for the 3 other guys and I all realized just how much energy it takes to play basketball, with all of us being absolutely exhausted afterwards. 

After cooling down and changing, everyone left to go on a tour of the neighborhood where the VBS that we put on, or Big A, is held. We prayer walked the area around the gym where we hold Big A, then proceeded to walk down Heidelberg Street, and observe all of the interesting artwork that has been created there. While walking, we met a man who actually happens to be the main artist of the Heidelberg Street Project. He told us all about the meaning behind a lot of the artwork, what inspired him, and many more details. It was a great conversation, and one that certainly made the day a little more interesting. During the conversation, it was very interesting to hear how his faith had guided him and inspired him to do a lot of the artwork that he did. He was very open with us about his faith, which was honestly something that was really cool to see. It's also something that I personally want to work on, and something that I've been trying more and more to work for. 

Once we got back, we ate some absolutely delicious burgers and hot dogs, played a group game of volleyball, had a little worship session, and discussed what the general plan for Big A is going to be. Now, on a more personal note, this is my 2nd year going to Detroit, and going back is something that I've personally looked forward to ever since I left last year. Last year I grew incredibly in my faith, and I experienced God in a way I've never experienced Him before. This year, I'm looking forward to growing more in my relationship with Him, growing closer in my relationships to others on the trip, and serving and glorifying God through whatever he guides us to do. I'm really looking forward to starting our ministry work, and especially looking forward to getting started with Big A on Monday. It's going to be very tiring, and there's going to be challenges that get in the way, but like Philippians 4:13 says, "I can do all things through Him who strengthen me". 

With that being said, it's getting late and tomorrow is going to be a big day. To my family and friends, I miss you all, and I can't wait to see you all when we get back. To my sister, I want to wish you a happy early 16th birthday, it's crazy to think that you'll be able to drive on your own soon, and I hope you enjoy your sweet 16th. I love you. 

Thank you all for reading

- Tyler Wallin

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