Friday, June 21, 2024


     This week has been such an adventure and has definitely flown by. I want to first say I know this is very late because I was supposed to do this last night but we had a busy night out getting ice cream at Wally's Custard and preparing our last day of Big A for today. This week my group of Natalie, Tyler, Kristine and I had prayer walking during the first two days then servant evangelism the second half. Servant evangelism is where we basically drive around or walk and pray for the Lord to tell us how we can help the community of Detroit and serve Him. Wednesday we did a lot of driving around, praying and listening. Although we did not get to do anything for anyone, we met an absolutely LOVELY lady named Mary Kennedy who is 80 years old and was right outside her house. She has the most beautiful and lively smile and always wears bright clothes. Ever since we have gone back every day to visit her and at least say hi. Yesterday my team and I stopped by her house again to ask her for ideas of what we could put in care packages for the homeless. Mary is the most delightful woman and my team loves her so much, she never let us help her with anything but always prayed the Lord's prayer with us and gave us ideas on how to help the community. 

    Besides Mary, Big A has definitely been one of my highlights on this trip. The kids are SOOO AMAZING and SUCH a joy. I don't think you could go to big A and not fall in love with them. It makes me so sad to leave them tomorrow because I am going to miss seeing the Lord move in all of them. The moment you walk into the dream center you most likely would receive a hug from a kid or many kids within at least five minutes. They really say the darndest things and ask the weirdest questions but really theres not a moment where we are there and not laughing. I'm pretty sure at least seven kids are FULLY convinced Jaxon and I are siblings which makes no sense since we look absolutely nothing alike. Just yesterday I got challenged to two dance offs from the girls in my group and let me tell you they definitely won because I cannot dance. And all of sudden a little girl would come up to you and braid your hair or ask you to jump rope with them. After Big A Lori makes the BEST food for dinner, specifically her shepherds pie she made last night. 

    Normally after dinner Natalie and I play basketball with Ben, Jaxon, and DJ for the rest of the night or until Ben sweats so hard his shirt changes color. However, last night we went on an outing to Wally's Custard and got ice cream. After Natalie and I played cribbage which we just learned this week and have been playing a lot of. We are all exhausted and dreading the 12 hour journey home but we definitely plan on making the best of the rest of our time here tonight. 

    This trip has been so life changing and I am so grateful to be here and serve the Lord and watch him move in every person here. Much love,  Ashley Slaybaugh

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