Monday, June 17, 2024

     Hello everyone, my name is Jaxon W and this was my day in Detroit.  We started the day off with some breakfast which I was late to because someone forgot to wake me up...Riley.  After breakfast we went into a devo time for about an hour to connect with and learn about God and discussed our thoughts after.  Once we were done with all that we split into our teams and went out to do things, my team was assigned prayer walking.  While we didn't see many people we did come across two men name Mark and Will.  While they were not the most religious they didn't hesitate to let us pray about them.  After our missions outside we came back together for lunch and a little free time to rest up before Big A, the VBS that we put on.  Once we had all rested up we got in our cars and we were off to Big A.  Once we arrived I was amazed by all the smiles on the children’s faces.  All they wanted to do was play basketball or play catch, which was totally fine by me, and I gladly hopped in with them.  When it really started we all got together for some songs and then broke off in some small groups.  I had a group of about 8 with ages from 10-14.  While they didn't really pay much attention to what I was trying to tell them I was still glad they were there.  After small groups we went to games where my team was 3-0 against Ashley’s team, big W.  Once we were done with games we went to craft where we made bead bracelets that represent the fruit of the spirit.  That was the end of Big A for the day so we headed back to the building.  At the building we ate some delicious chicken and then talked about and worshipped God in many ways.  After all that serious and important stuff we got some more free time where I chose to play a lot of basketball and have lots of fun.  Overall the day was definitely an experience but it was one that I was glad to have.  I am excited for the new day and I am very excited to get some much needed sleep.  That's it, that was my day, thanks for tuning in.

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