Tuesday, June 18, 2024

DAY 5 🤯

    When I say that being here has been such an adventure, I mean it.  My day consisted of a variety of excitement, joy and speed (the days seem to FLY here), but also a mix of slowness, waiting and a whole lot of patience. I started my day by helping set up breakfast with my team. The food made is absolutely phenomenal btw, thanks for asking. Some time after breakfast our super huge Detroit team, (11 whole people) split into our groups for prayer walking / serving evangelism. My team and I, during our time serving evangelism, spent a lot of time asking God for clarity, praying for signs, and asking to hear his voice. It was a really testing time for some of us who struggle with patience and waiting for a timing that isn't our own.  After some time driving around we decided to get out and walk. Something I noticed was all the little things I would have never seen zooming by houses, (going 20mph). I saw things like people sleeping on sidewalks, people sitting outside their homes because it was hotter inside their homes than outside (it was 88 degrees with 76% humidity, just btw 🥵 ) and so much more. It really hit me thinking about all the things I take for granted at home while so many people can't even stay cool. 

    On a much happier note, Big A (the VBS we're putting on) has to be the most beautiful things in the world. All of these kids, ranging in age from 3-18 years old, come together to learn about God and his love for them. Through them, the way they treat each other, and they way they treat us (total strangers) I think I'm starting to understand what an honest love REALLY looks like. Every day when you walk in, handfuls of kids come up and hug you, say hi to you and want to see you. But after all of that, after all we leave the kiddos, after we get home, my favorite part of being here so far is when the team comes together and we just hang out. We spend time worshiping, talking about how we saw God today, and the majorities favorite part, basketball. I personally don't play, but watching everyone come together, sweaty, tired, and exhausted  even, they all get even more sweaty. I say this in the most loving way possible I swear. In all seriousness, seeing our team get CLOSER through a COMPETITIVE sport is honestly inspiring. 

    Being apart of this missions team has to be one of the best things that I have ever been lead to do/been apart of. Everyone on this team is so amazing and has such a heart for God, it's so life giving and I am honored to be a part of it. 

                                              Much love from me and my heart, Amani Kibwaa :)


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